Shaping the future: Latin American Women's Funds unite in Bogotá
Fondos de Mujeres se unen en Bogotá para construir el futuro

Last May, Bogotá's Fondo Lunaria offices hosted a meeting in which communications leaders from Latin American Women’s Funds came together to discuss the evolving landscape of activism and the strategic direction of the OTRT initiative.

The gathering brought together representatives from various Latin American funds to discuss current challenges and outline strategies for OTRT initiative’s third phase.

During the meeting, urgent issues were addressed, such as responding to conservative and far-right movements, and the need for firm political stances in defense of human rights and democracy. The working groups presented progress in key areas like anti-racism, body politics, and strategic communications. Notable achievements include the creation of anti-racism protocols, strategic communications materials, and body politics pathways, all designed to strengthen participating organizations.

In the second part of the meeting, future actions were projected, emphasizing the creation of inclusive counter-narratives and the use of innovative tools such as podcasts and Latin American newscasts. Additionally, the formation of a Communications Crisis Committee was proposed to respond swiftly to fundamentalist attacks.

The meeting concluded with a commitment to continue working together to address current challenges and promote an intersectional and participatory vision in the region. These proposals will be developed in collaboration with the Program Officers of the Latin American Funds.

We are committed to growing our seeds stronger as the third stage unfolds both in Latin America and Europe. More encounters are needed for us to deepen in our connections, so that shared ideas and dreams can keep transforming into real community practices that make a better world possible for all.

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